

Defines a RAPC workspace. 

Workspace describes a set of projects to be built. Workspace can be either defined by .jdw file or described explicitly with the help of nested elements and attributes. If defined JDW file exists, task loads the workspace definition from this file. Task attributes have higher priority and override attributes defined in JDW file. 


srcThe name of JDE workspace to build (.jdw file). JDW file may not exist if the workspace structure is completely described in this element. If defined file exists task loads workspace attributes from this file, otherwise this file location will be used to define workspace home directory. Example: "C:/Projects/Blackberry/HelloWorld.jdw". Yes
vendorVendor of the project. If set, overrides a vendor property for all the projects included into this workspace. Example: "". No; defaults to vendor property of project
versionVersion of the project. If set, overrides a version property for all the projects included into this workspace. Example: "1.8" No; defaults to version property of project
buildValid values are "true" and "false". "true" indicates that nested project shall be built. No; defaults to build property of nested project
updateIf "true" - task will update the .JDW file defined in src attribute according to attributes and nested elements of the "workspace" element. No; defaults to false

Nested elements

This node can nest following elements:
  • cldc. This elements is optional
  • cldcentrypoint. This elements is optional
  • midlet. This elements is optional
  • midletentrypoint. This elements is optional
  • library. This elements is optional
  • ecma. This elements is optional
  • Examples

    Workspace defined in JDW file.
    <workspace src="HelloWorld.jdw" />

    Workspace defined in JDW file. 

    Workspace defined in Ant task.
    <workspace src="HelloWorld.jdw">
    	<midlet src="HelloWorld.jdp"/>
    	<library src="Lib1\Lib1.jdp"/>

    Workspace defined in Ant task. 

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