

Defines a CLDC Application project. 

Project definition can be loaded from the JDP file as well as with task attributes. If defined JDP file exists, task loads the project attributes from this file. Task attributes have higher priority and override project attributes defined in JDP file. 


srcThe file containing project definition. If defined file exists, the task loads project attributes from this file, otherwise this file location will be used to define project home directory. Yes
titleProject title, which user will see on the device. No; defaults to project name
vendorName of the company that owns the project. No; defaults to value of the same attribute in parent "workspace" task
versionProject version. No; defaults to value of the same attribute in parent "workspace" task
descriptionDescription of the project. No; defaults to empty string
argumentsArguments which will be passed to "main" method of the application. No; defaults to empty string
systemmoduleIf "true" - the project is a system module (i.e. running in the background with no icon on Home screen) No; defaults to false
runonstartupIf "true" - the application starts on device starts No; defaults to false
ribbonpositionPreferred position of the application icon No; defaults to "0" (none)
startuptierStart priority in relation to other applications. No; defaults to "7", the lowest priority. This field is used if the "runonstartup" attribute is defined to true.
outputSpecifies the name of the output .cod file. Shall not contain path, just plain name. No; defaults to project name.
optionsOptions passed to RAPC compiler. No; defaults to empty string
updateIf "true" - the task will update the .JDP file defined in the "src" attribute. As a result, project properties in .JDP file will be rewritten by actual properties of this project. For example, "[Files]" collection defined in .JDP file will be rewritten by files defined in nested element "files". No; defaults to false
buildIf "true" - project needs to be built. No; defaults to value of the same attribute in parent "workspace" task
alxIf attribute value is "true" - ALX file will be generated for this project. No; defaults to false
titleresourcebundledescriptionApplication Description resource key. If not provided, the description field is used. titleresourcebundlepath attribute shall specify correct .rrh file where application description resource key present. No
titleresourcebundlekeyApplication Title resource key. If not provided, the title field is used. titleresourcebundlepath attribute shall specify correct .rrh file where application title resource key present. No
titleresourcebundlepathResource header file containing title resource (.rrh file). No

Nested elements

This node can nest following elements:
  • dependson. This elements is optional
  • files. This elements is optional
  • icons. This elements is optional
  • imports. This elements is optional
  • alximports. This elements is optional
  • Examples

    CLDC Application project defined in JDP file.
    <cldc src="cldc_project.jdp"/>

    CLDC Application project definition loaded from JDP file. 

    CLDC Application project defined in Ant task.
    <cldc src="cldc_project.jdp"
    title="Application title"
    vendor="Company Name"
    description="Project description"
    build="true" />

    CLDC Application project attributes defined in Ant task. 

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